Dear Family,
When a loved one passes away, family members and friends desire to give an expression of sympathy to the family. They want to let the family be aware of their concern for them in this, their time of sorrow. The Perpetual Eucharistic Candle Guild is a gift that lasts not for a month, a year, or even a decade, but as long as the grace of God is needed. The person enrolled will share perpetually in the spiritual benefits of this Guild as noted below. The burning of the candle before Jesus present in the Most Blessed Sacrament is a continual reminder of your loved one and also of your generosity to our Holy Order.
Mother Mary James
PS . . . when you click on the "Donate" button below, you will be directed to our on-line Donation Form for the Remembrances which you should fill out and submit. Your donation for the Perpetual Remembrance Guild will be automatically deposited into the Sisters' checking account and the Sisters will receive a notification of your donation. Once again, thank you, and God bless you!
A Letter from Mother Mary James
The following picture is a sample of the Certificate you will receive for your Remembrance.
The Founding and Purpose of the Guild
The Eucharistic Candle Guild was founded over 50 years ago by the Poor Clares in the Cleveland Monastery, and its work of love continues to this day.The purpose of the Guild is to embrace your loved ones, living or deceased, in the Sisters' community of life, love, sacrifice and prayer.
Spiritual Benefits
When you ask the Sisters to dedicate a candle for a loved one, the Sisters place the lit candle on the Altar of Adoration in cloister, and they remember him or her in a special way with the following Spiritual Benefits:
Monthly Triduum of Holy Masses
A Special Day of prayer every month by the Poor Clares of Perpetual
Adoration for Guild Members
A share in the daily prayers, good works, and hours of adoration of all the Sisters in the Monastery
The Memberships in the Guild is for any person you choose, living or deceased.The offering you give helps the Sisters maintain the Candles and contributes to the cost of utilities and sustenance.
The Annual Individual Membership is $10.00 per person
The Annual Family Membership is $15.00 per family
The Perpetual Individual Membership is $35.00
The Perpetual Family Membership is $50.00
Of course, membership in the Guild is not limited to deceased loved ones. We encourage you to enroll yourself and your loved ones so that you may all benefit in the Gifts Our Lord has to offer. Sometimes, it spiritual is even a greater work of charity to enroll someone who has offended you.Pray for those who hate you and persecute you.
May the Lord grant perpetual light to shine upon you, your loved ones and all those whom you enroll in the Guild. And may Our Lady of Sorrows grant you comfort in your loss and may Our Lady of Perpetual Help assist you and all those for whom you pray.The Memberships in the Guild is for any person you choose, living or deceased.The offering you give helps the Sisters maintain the Candles and contributes to the cost of utilities and sustenance.
There is no need to renew your Perpetual Memberships each year.
Annual Memberships for individuals and families should be renewed yearly before Christmas. Of course, your offerings are tax deductible and we will forward a letter of acknowledgement for your generosity.
Enrollment is a TWO STEP PROCESS. First, fill out the form below and click "Submit." Second, please pay for your Membership by clicking on the "Donate" button. Please submit the form AND the accompanying donation to activate your enrollment. Of course, if you would rather send a check by mail with your request, we would honor your descision. Thank you, and may God bless you and all of your intentions and loved ones!

Please fill out this form and then click on "Submit". Then also click on the "Donate" button below the form to complete your request. Thank You!